
Pro ESL Clan


hello we are very gud esl clan and we wil win next turnament we wil be champyuns plis add us on esl steam and sponsor us please becuz we wil be very champyun

TeamMitGlied is teh best clan in ze hole world and we will be chumpyiuns of ESL, k?

Clan R00lz:
1. Be gud at CS:(pls)GO
2. Dunt be bad at CS:GO
3. Be very Deagle master
4. If your not so gud at CS:GO is ok becuz we aint too
5. Not playing with Deagle only in at least one round each game is not gud and you will be not liked for not playing with Deagle becuz it is somewhat sad to use primary

Clan stuff:
1. very gud guide on how 2 deag iz by ze jeff:
2. anoza verry gud guide is ze how to win matches wit ze deagull by ze beagle wis ze deagull on steam guides:

Visit ESL clan page plisAnd dat Steam grup paeg

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